a blog concerning the trials and tribulations of a white middle class man and his struggles spelling the word bourgeoisie. is that right?


career path

okay so i haven't been exactly fastidious with the blogging but i'm trying. i just got a freelance gig with a short turn around time and i'm busting my @ss to meet the deadline.

so here's something funny.

my son, pictured above, used to love to color. seeing his father as a struggling, frustrated artist must have turned his desire for artistic expression aside in order to pursue something far more pragmatic... pen testing. he no longer years for the scribbles of carnation pink and midnight blue, but only to pull every pen, highlighter, and pencil from our pen jars about the house and methodically remove the cap/twist the back/click the clicker and perform a "test scribble" on a blank sheet of paper, after which he promptly places it in a "OK" pile. after each pen has been quality assured then all the pens return to the cup. i am now researching whether bic is hiring for QC positions.

is this early onset OCD?


my first blog : it itches at first

let's call this "inaug-o-blog"! welcome to my newest attempt at diversion.

i'll have to give credit where credit is due, so thanks to danielle who started her blog a month or so ago and got me thinking. i'll be adding a link from my illustration and design site to this so its all one big snarl of too much information about me. i'll keep this brief. all this is a not only an exercise in entertaining myself but also a way to try to loosen my brain up. i'm normally so paralyzed about doing something creatively that i end up never really completing the circle on a lot of projects that are really worth finishing (or starting for that matter). so, hopefully, this is my mental tai chi. boy am i presumptuous.


thanks and come again.
