a blog concerning the trials and tribulations of a white middle class man and his struggles spelling the word bourgeoisie. is that right?


traveling by train

here's something i'll be doing more of this weekend for a day trip to new york. traveling in a passive manner is not something that suburbanites relish or even quite understand. i've completely forgotten how to relinquish control over getting from point a to point wherever. suburbia is about maximizing control. whenever i get back into a situation of passive transportation it takes a while for me to figure out what i should be doing since what i SHOULD be doing is getting me there. but that's kind of taken care of. so what now. reading usually at the beginning and then eventually i relax enough to draw my surroundings and the people who populate them. sometimes they're good. sometimes not. but it's always an opportunity i enjoy rediscovering everytime.

you only see pieces of people from behind vinyl seats and between their luggage which is snug up against them (it must be full of gold) and you only see peices of people in one half of a cell phone call or the glances they carefully place on their temporary travelling companions.